Here Samuel the Lamanite (Elder Stanley) preaches on the Wall. Rocks (sock balls) and arrows where shot at him, but everyone missed!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christmas Nativity
We had a fun FHE on December 14th, 2009. We acted out the Christmas Story with the Elders, Liz, Robert, Eve, and the Websters. So much fun! Here are pictures to tell the story:
Here Samuel the Lamanite (Elder Stanley) preaches on the Wall. Rocks (sock balls) and arrows where shot at him, but everyone missed!
Nephi (Ben) prays to know when the sign would be given and was told it would be the next day. Here he sees the sign!
Joseph (Xander) takes Mary (Rachel) on a donkey(Ben) to Bethlehem for the tax.
No room in the Inn so they settle for the stable.
Mary gives birth to baby Jesus and wraps him and lays him in a manger.
An angel (Robert) appears to the shepherds (Jennifer and I).
He tells us not to be afraid, that he has brought glad tiding of great joy!
A horse turned shepherd (Eliza) helps tend the sheep.
Here Samuel the Lamanite (Elder Stanley) preaches on the Wall. Rocks (sock balls) and arrows where shot at him, but everyone missed!