Wow, I can't believe that I haven't blogged since May!The School year ended with lots of
concerts and
recitals, the
Rose Parade, and Lizzy Graduating. Summer jumped right in with Young Women's
Camp for
Melissa, and
Rachel; 11 yr Scout camp for
Jessica getting her
drivers licence;
Kevin going to
High Adventure;
Jessica going on
High Adventure; and
Jennifer finishing up her spring semester at
BYU Idaho and joining us at the Greenall Family
Reunion! That all happened in June and July. August we breathed, laid around,
Kevin worked on his Eagle Project, then Band Camp Started and we are now Back to School! 3 kids in High School and Marching Band.
Rachel at Meadow Park Middle School in 7th grade, and
Jennifer is home and enrolled in a few art classes at PCC, house sitting/pet sitting here and there and looking for a job. I was released as the RS Secretary a few weeks ago, and am now the 1st Counselor in the YW working with the Mia Maids. Life goes on. Here is some snap shots of some of our activities:
Symphonic Band plays for last concert of the season. Kevin on the Horn, and Jessica on the Saxophone.
Kevin sings in Concert Choir
Jessica sings Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. She also played a piano solo for "A little Night Music" the concert that took place right after the Choir Awards Concert.

Rachel Plays cello with her teacher

Lizzy graduated from High School carrying her daughter Eve. Congratulations
Elizabeth! We are so proud of you for sticking with it and graduating.

Cedar Mill Stake YW Camp: Fit For His Kingdom - Boot Camp 2009
Jessica was 1st yr Counselor. Her cabin group was the Boogie Woogie Bugle Babes of company B.

Melissa was in the 3rd year cabin: Candy Stripers.

Rachel was a 1st year. Her cabin was the GI Janes

Sisters on Bishopric Day in Oak Hills Ward Orange
Rachel and her buddies
Kevin High Adventure
A Day at the Beach. We went to meet some friends for a bonfire to burn homework- we couldn't find them- the tide had come up and they had to leave. By the time we got there the tide had gone down. We weren't able to build a fire because we didn't bring any matches, but
Brian and
I enjoyed the scenery.
Rachel and
Melissa even drove the suburban!

4th of July- Look we had Cousins move into town!!!! We are so happy to have Wendy, Ben, Xander, and Eliza Webster so close by!
Kevin and buddies march in the 4th parade to help raise awareness for his Eagle Project: Raising money and building a percussion rack for the Westveiw Marching band.
Melissa and Keturah wait in line for the opening of the latest Harry Potter Movie.

We enjoyed
Shakespeare in the Park two times this summer- King Lear and A Midsummer's Night Dream.

Greenall Family Reunion was a BLAST! It was at Coram Ranch by the Shasta Dam. We tie died t-shirts, had a talent show, scrapbooked, played Foosball , pool, & ping-pong, did water games in the pool, road motorcycles, built boats for a challenge, went thru Shasta Caves, floated down the Sacramento River, toured the dam, relaxed, ate great food, and enjoyed being together. The cousins had a blast together. We were even all here together for about 10 minutes so we could take this group picture (Julia was leaving for work, and Jennifer had just arrived from BYU I!)

Melissa played the national anthem for one of her swim meets.
Melissa and
Rachel swam with the swim team this year. Melissa helped out with a younger group for one of her Personal Progress Projects. Here they are at the team tie breaker meet.
Kevin made a couple of trips to the beach with his friends. He also had band buddies over to sand the rust off of the van and paint it!

Time for Band Camp to start- lugging
Melissa's Sousaphone down the stairs to the van.
Rachel and her friends go ice skating for one last fun summer activity.

So that was our Summer!