Crayola (2012), Overture (2008), Myriad (2010), Calico Sky (2005), & Extraordinaire (2007)
In our stake it is a tradition that after completing your 4th year of Young Women Camp Certification, you are presented with a special camp sweatshirt that has camp patches and a name written on it that has been selected uniquely for you. This is presented at a special KIT fireside after the 4th years have completed their requirements. IT IS A BIG DEAL! The girls are called up to the front one at a time (with a lot of screaming and jumping up and down), and a camp leader reads a wonderful description of the young woman's talents, traits, personality, hobbies, etc. At the end of this description their camp name is revealed and they are given their sweatshirt. It is always exciting to see what color has been selected for that year. (Leaders get a red one after serving in camp for 4 years). Well Rachel received hers this year, and I just had to get a photo of the Leete Ladies in our Camp Sweatshirts while we were all together! I had made sure that Jennifer brought her sweatshirt home with her so we could take this picture. Of course we put it off until the last minute. Jessica was to leave the next morning and her clothes were already packed. It was late, and it was dark outside. I had to drag and beg to get everyone together. Brian had a hard time seeing in the camera viewfinder because it was dark outside- but he snapped away hoping we'd all be in the picture frame and smiling all at the same time. He managed to get a few with us all in the frame, these were the best.
Thumbs up for Kevin! |