We enjoyed a nice Christmas eve dinner. The Wiseman family was going to come join us for the evening, but we were sad to get a call from them at at dinner time that they were having chain trouble and wouldn't be able to make it for a couple more hours, so we decided that it would be better to get together on another day. We missed them, but it was fun to have Lizzy, Robert, and Eve join us.
After dinner we opened our Christmas eve gifts- PJ's, and the gift from David's family- a new cook book (that I can't wait to try out), and a new game.
We were all tired, and the kids headed off to bed the earliest all week! The girls all slept upstairs in the bonus room together.

Melissa and Rachel help cook dinner: Apricot Cream Cheese Chicken wrapped in a puff pastry with Peach Chutney. We made 21!

Empty seats at our table. :-(

Fun Game from David's family.

Jennifer and sleepy Eve.
You look like you had a fun Christmas Eve. I have enjoyed reading through your blog. I hope you don't mind my visiting. I think I am related to you in a distant fashion. If your Dad is Chuck Greenall, well I'm his cousin in Australia. Check out my blog if you have time.