Monday, July 25, 2011

To Kevin from Dad July 24, 2011

Hi Kevin,
It’s been a great week. The Girls went to EFY at home, so they were gone all week. Mom and I had the house to ourselves all week. We almost didn’t know what to do. We had all our favorite foods (the girls ate at EFY) and almost couldn’t fill the dishwasher with dishes. We went to a concert in the park and several long drives. We also saw the new Mormon movie “17 Miracles”. It was well done, and of course like all of the pioneer stories a real tear jerker.

The Girls had a good time at EFY. They went in the morning about 8:00 and came home at 9:00. Games and spiritual experiences were to be had all week.

We are off next week to the Family Reunion. Be gone for a couple of weeks. We will let you know how it goes. But not in too much detail if we are having fun.

Keep up the good work. The Church is True. The work is hard but worth it.


P.S. Your plaque looks great. We were able to get all 5 of the scriptures on it. You picked some really great scriptures.