Friday, November 25, 2011

Puppies in Parade in Portland

The girls had the opportunity to participate in the My Macy's Holiday Parade today downtown Portland.  The marching band did this as a fund raising activity.  They got paid $20 each to participate.  They were assigned their costume by height and weight.  Melissa and Rachel were happy when they were assigned to be puppies with the Dalmatian float.  They checked in at 7:15am.  Brian and I got there at about 8:45 to watch and were home by 10:30am.  It was a fun parade. Just blow up floats, costumed people, and marching bands all playing Holiday music.

My friend Anne and her boys were stars.

Melissa the beige Puppy with rosey cheeks.

Rachel as a Puppy Dalmation talks with kids with  real dogs.

Melissa waves to the crowd.