Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sidewalk, Arbor, and Birthday Girls

HI Kevin!

We have had sun this week!  Woo HOo!  The sidewalk is finally done.  Here is a picture of the stick figures Jessica and I put on the new slab up by our porch.   Can you guess which one is you?
Dad has had the girls out in the yard cleaning up- The backyard is looking pretty good.  I made new cushions for the swing- hopefully the squirrels won’t rip it apart.  Rachel worked cleaning up the trampoline.  We had to rip off all the foam pads and spring covers cuz it was all rotting.  Bolts all tightened up, legs attached, and net upright again.  She is planning on having friends over this summer and wants it in working condition.  We got the roof lifted on my gazebo/arbor.  Here are some pictures so you can see my creation. I plan on adding a few more screws- the roof is just sitting there.  I plan on the ivy growing over top, and maybe some other climbing plants too.

Crazy girls on the swing.

We have enjoyed FHE out around the fire.  We roasted hotdogs for dinner on Monday.  Rebecca’s mom thought we were silly having a fire on the hottest day of the week!  We enjoyed them anyway- did some woof’ems too.
We had a fun activity for Young Women’s on Tuesday.  We hosted a Newlywed game for the Sr. Citizens/empty nesters of our ward.  The contestants provided us with some great entertainment.  They have even requested to have this activity again next year.
Jessica’s bday was on Thursday. She got a bunch of books (all Jane Austen and also Ella Enchanted). Also a pattern for a dress she wants to make, and an apron pattern that she already sewed.
She had cinnamon rolls for breakfast, ranch chicken for dinner and an ice-cream pie that was melting as we lit the candles!

Jennifer’s birthday was on Saturday.  She told us that she wanted homemade cookies and brownies.  So Jessica baked up a storm- 3 types of cookies:  chocolate chip, snicker doodles, and oatmeal.  Melissa made brownies.  We shipped those to her and also sent her a children’s book with great illustrations that she wanted.  Rachel sent her an artist magnet that she wanted.  And dad gave in and bought her an Appa plushy.  We got one very happy phone call from her when she received that in the mail!

So that has been our week.  It was fun.  Hope you had a great one too.  Our prayers are with you.  Lots of love, MomJ