Well, we made it through another week at the Leete household. Saturday the Oct 4th was "Rachel's Birthday Spaghetti Feast". The Party started at 12:30 with the 17 guests dressing in aprons and chef hats. They each picked a number out of a paper bag that matched with their special eating utensil, and dug in for spaghetti and meatballs. They all had a great time with this. When I asked if anyone wanted to try another utensil a few said yes, and picked another oddball thing to eat with, no one wanted a normal fork! Rachel loved eating with the garlic press, she said it gave the right balance of sauce, meat, and noodles as she forced it all through the press. The party games went over well. By the comments the kids gave, it was evident that party games aren't the norm anymore- they where all new and exciting- not like going to pump it up or a pizza parlor. We played Pin the Meatball on the Spaghetti, Throw the Meatball (cotton ball) into the Chef Hat, Handcuffs, Mingle, and Unwrap the Candy bar. They all hit the pinata as it lay on the ground (Rachel's first hit broke it off the rope), had cupcakes, then Rachel opened gifts, and then they ended with some free time. It was a crazy 4 hours, but a lot of fun.
Yesterday, Sat Oct 11 Kevin and Jessica headed off to Tumwater Stadium in Washington for another band competition. This wasn't in their circuit, so they were competing with bands they had never competed with before. I got a very happy text message in the afternoon letting us know that they got 1st place in their division for the preliminary round. Later that night I was informed that they got got 1st place in their division and Sweepstakes overall. They also were awarded High Percussion and High General Effect (the whole show). They enjoyed getting 1st place instead of 6th place in their usual circuit. I'm glad that I finally got my four flags all sewn up and turned in - that took way more time than I expected!
The Beehive class in our ward has been working on making baby hats with knitting looms to donate to the hospital, so Melissa and Rachel have been carrying around their hat looms and working on them at school, and in their spare time. I decided to join in and have been crocheting tiny hats. I found that I can crank them out rather quickly, and work on them during violin, cello, and piano lessons. We've made about 15 so far. The preemie ones are soooo little and sooo cute!
Today at church we had a combined RS/Priesthood meeting where they introduced to us the New Family Search Program. Brian is a family history consultant in our ward and has been working on this for several months now. But as of now it is open to our whole temple district. Brain tried to log me on months ago, but I was not authorized to do so yet, so now I can. Brian has been working on million of Leete names. I guess I'll get to work on my side of things. Anyone else linked into the New Family Search?
WOW! Yer bizzy! : ) -- Gen