Sunday was
Melissa's 14th birthday. I didn't get out of bed (sick), so Brian made her her special waffle breakfast with whipped cream, berries, and special BYU Idaho Huckleberry syrup sent to us from Jennifer. After church Brian made Melissa's tempura birthday dinner. It was yummy with lots of vegetables, and shrimp. Melissa then opened her presents. She got a BYU I sweatshirt from Jennifer, money from grandparents, journal from Jessica, mug, poky sticks from Rachel, turtle medallion, and an electric violin! She was happy.

We had apple pie later that evening. She is such a sweet girl. Usualy we let the birthday kid lay around and get served, but Melissa kept volunteering to help cook etc because I was ill.

Her pie was hot out of the oven, but we didn't want to wait for it to cool. The candles melted faster from the bottom than the top! That was a first.
I am so blessed to have Melissa as part of our family. We love her lots!