Jessica got some good driving practice and drove me and Rachel to the St. John's Parade (a Portland communtiy) yesterday. Jessica was excited to drive across her first bridge- The St. John's Bridge, and it is a very beautiful bridge! 
Melissa was marching with the Meadow Park Middle School 7th & 8th grade band playing the Sousaphone. We enjoyed the sunshine- quite a treat, and we have the red noses and famer tans to prove it.

It was a fun parade, but nothing very exciting. It did have a lot cars of all shapes and sizes.

Kevin was off singing with the Westview Concert Choir at the State competion. They got 4th place.
Brian was in Fairview, Utah attending his Aunt Frances's funeral. This is his mom's sister. Brian was able to visit with his Knapp relatives that he hasn't seen since coming home from his mission. He had a good visit, and had a lot of pictures to share with us when he got home.
Frances Marion Knapp Thompson
Nov 7, 1931-May 4, 2009