As I've been emailing back and forth with my brothers and mom about reunion T-shirts, and to "tie-dye or not to tie-dye", my mom called and told me about a new method of batik using Elmer's school glue! I looked it up on the Internet and sure enough it works. I did batik in my High School painting class and really loved it. I haven't ever done it again because I didn't have the equipment, and didn't want to mess with the mess. Well this is getting me excited again. I can do this. Easy. Glue on, paint or dye, and wash. That's it!

All this talk of batik made me realize that I never shared the fun I had in April learning to do Pysanky Eggs. A sister in our ward, Suzanne, decorates these type of eggs every year. So I requested she teach us for an enrichment activity and she did. It was so fun! Doing batik on eggs! I had thought I wrote about this, but realized I had just been chatting about it and posting pictures of my eggs on Facebook (that's the trouble with Facebook- no record of all the chats- but you can go there and look in my albums where I put all the pictures as I talked with friends of the process). Anyway I spent 3 hours on April 2nd doing 3 eggs. Then I went back during priesthood session of conference and took my daughters with me and we spent several more hours doing more. We all enjoyed doing it so much, that next year I will get our own supplies. So here are some pictures.
The long process of waxing, dying, drying, waxing, dying, drying. . .
Me and Yuko show off a finished egg after heating the egg in the oven and wiping off the wax.

My three eggs:
Here Jessica, Rachel, and I show our finished eggs (Melissa walked home earlier). Poor Rachel broke two of hers after all that work!

Here they are after a coat of varnish and now on display.