On the fun side: Kevin took a 3 day motorcycle class. He was 1 point away from getting his license which totally bummed him. I think he did pretty good for never have ridden before, and never has done shifting gears before. He now takes Brian's bike around the loop and up to the church for practice. He is scheduled for a mini class retest thingy on April 25th.
Jessica spent time with her friend Charlotte watching almost two days straight of The Jane Austin BBC DVDs that I had bought for myself at Costco. Of course I had big plans of all the things I was going to get done during spring break (like cleaning and sewing my melodrama costume), but how could I resist sitting and watching with them when I was home?! They almost made it through all 22+ hours (didn't get to Pride and Prejudice or Northanger Abbey).
Rachel had 4 friends over on Friday to play and have fun from 1-11pm. They played at the park, climbed trees at the school, jumped on the trampoline, made individual pizzas, decorated cakes, played games, and watched Horton Hears a Who. I am so thankful for these good friends of Rachel's. I was worried as she began middle school - she has several good Friends, but there are no LDS girls her age in our ward. I had been praying for someone to move into our ward, and was saddened that when our ward boundaries changed it didn't answer my prayer. But Rachel has been drawn to Makenna, Hanna, Makell, and Emma. They are members of the neighboring ward who also go to Meadow Park. Rachel knew some of them in Elementary school, and had partnered up with them at her day at girls camp last summer. What a comfort it is for me to have them all be buddies. They take turns hosting get togethers, have so much fun together, and hang out together at school. This is just another reminder to me that prayers aren't always answered the way we want them to, but are answered.

Thursday was the only non appointment day (except Kevin who was off motorcycle classing), so with a little persuasion we got Brian to take the day off work and go with us girls to Seaside. This was the highlight of my week. I was soo homesick for the ocean. Boy do I miss SLO and being a short distance from the coast! This crummy sleeting, snowy, rainy, weird weather had really been getting to me. It was great to walk the beach and relax. I had clam chowder, and window shopped as the Brian and the girls road around town in a bicycle built for 4. That trip made my week. After that I felt rejuvenated and ready to get back to our normal routine. When I thanked Brian for taking us to the beach his answer was something that I think sums it up very well: "I can't even remember what I did at work yesterday, but I'm sure I'll remember at day at Seaside with my family."
A note for Jennifer in the sand:
You have a busy life but nothing like a day at the beach
ReplyDeleteThose are great pictures! I like the one of your daughter with Jen and her orange eye-make-up! That's cool that all 3 of your younger daughters got to dress up and get make-up put on them!!! They look great! And I like the beach pictures! Wow! Looks like you all had a great time! Writing in the sand -- pulling Rachel out of the hole in the ground! Finding a dead fish! : ) Best wishes on finishing your sewing on your costume! : )