5 days before his 18th birthday!
He recieved his last few needed merit badges at a court of honor the following Wednesday.
It had been a little bit stressful. A big THANK YOU to cousin Ben W. for sitting down with Kevin in June and helping him evaluate where he was on his Eagle trail, motivating him, helping him to make lists, and helping him to decide on a project. He was in the right place at the right time.
As Kevin was filling out his final paperwork he made this comment: " Wow, my friend did his project in two Saturdays. It took me 4 Months!" That is true, but I feel that Kevin's project is one that he enjoyed and will remember for many years to come. He raised money and built a percussion rack for the Westview High School Marching Band. Marching Band is something that Kevin loves.
Here are some of the things he did:
On July 4th he and some of his band freinds marched in our nieghborhood parade to raise awareness of the project.On August 13th he held a Bake Sale at Bethany Village Shopping Center and raised over $300. He had so much support from his band buddies, church friends, parents, and church members. A big thank you to all those that donated baked goods, and helped to set up, sell, and take down!
He spent his last few dollars on a name plate.
Here is a picture of the rack in use.
It was great to see it on the field at the homecoming football game half time show on Friday! Can't wait to see it at the competition on October 31st at the Hillsorro Stadium!
We now have 3 months fo get his board of review, and hold his Eagle Court of Honor.
Good Work Kevin!