Westview High School Homecoming was on October 17th. What a fun time to dress up! While the girls spent countless hours finding the right dress, then "modest-ifying" them, - Kevin and his friends spent an afternoon and went to the Goodwill to do their shopping.

The end result: They all looked great, and they all had a great time!
The girls decided to go to the Homecoming dance sponcered by our stake. Jessica double dated. They had dinner at Charolette's house, went to the dance, then played games at one of the boy's house.

Melissa and 4 of her friends spent the afternoon together doing nails, hair, had thier makeup done (by Jane D.) then went to the Stake dance.

Kevin and His friends did an anti-homecoming (thus the outfits). They went out to eat at Romanos enjoying the responses from thier waitress and other high schoolers that were all decked out in formals. They then hung out at one of thier homes, played wii, and ate cake (left over from his bday).
We are still waiting for the pictures taken at the stake dance to be posted.
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