Well, we did it again. Claudia and I sang Duet for Two Cats for our ward Fall Party. We couldn't do it the same as before, so we added a new twist. When we were introduced, the MC gave us each a fish. Too bad for Claudia- hers was little. Luckily for me, mine was huge! She cried, and tried to steal mine- which then ripped in half. Now we were both unsatisfied, but then hear a squeak- and see Rachel the mouse on stage. So then we stalk and grab her, but she sneaks away as we argue over her. The result? Laughs for all. It was fun.

I made the fish out of muslin that I colored with crayon, stuffed it in two halves. The halves were attached with Velcro. It was such a fun and relaxing day making it- I need to do more crafts.

I made Rachel's ears by covering food storage can lids with fur. The pink material was left over from a Cinderella dress I made many years ago. I attached them to my hat with safety pins. The tail looked so cute. Rachel made a great mouse!

Rachel is going to be Padme Amadala for Halloween, so we had gotten her white shirt, pants, gloves, and booties for that. The pictures didn't turn out too great, and when Brian was videoing the camera had some difficulties, but at least you can kind of see what it was like. I'll try to upload the movie later.