These were the only turtles we saw:
Looking and touching the sea life.
The Jellyfish were way cool looking.

We enjoyed the tunnel. Last time we visited was before Keiko the whale- this is what they made out of his tank after they "Freed Willy"
Brian enjoyed watching the sharks.
We ate our sack lunches in the car, then explored the outside exhibits. We got to see the otters being fed.
Kevin got a kick out of this sign at the otter tank.
This little Puffin was having way too much fun! (tried and tried to post the video, but our internet service is lame).

In the shark's JAWS
It didn't take us too long to see the whole aquarium- somehow I remember it being much larger when we went before. I guess it is easier to see everything when you aren't pushing a stroller and keeping track of preschoolers! When we were all done, we went back to the beach house and relaxed, played games, watched videos, and ate taco soup. We packed up Friday morning and headed for home. Of course we had to stop in Lincoln city at the Outlet malls and buy some stuff. It was a nice break away from home together as a family, but the kids where happy to be home with their computers, games, TV, homework, and friends.