It is hard to believe we are coming to the end of another school year. It doesn’t seem that long ago we were getting you ready to go off to BYU. Last Wed we attended the last WV Choir Concert of the year. There were two concerts again so that there would be room enough for all to attend. Melissa sang in the first one at 6:16. Dad and I met up there for that. As soon as the Women’s choir sang I left to pick up Rachel from Lacrosse practice so that she could see the 2nd that started at 7:30. Dad enjoyed the first concert so decided to sit through the 2nd one also. We ran out of room on the cameras. Jessica was awarded the Alto Section Award. She earned it!
Melissa sang in Women's Chor, Jessica in Canotres and Concert Choir |
Jessica and her Alto Section Leader Award |
Thursday was Rachel’s Meadow Park Band Concert. Can you believe that we’ve been going to those for the last 10 years?!! That was our last one. The end of an era. I won’t miss hearing those beginning band pieces. I am greatful for all that the Meadow Park music has done for our family. They shaved mr. Schlabach’s head because they raised the goal of $6000. They raised over $12000. The marching band sounded real good. They played a Patriotic Sequence with 3 songs: America the Beautiful, My country ‘Tis of Thee, and Battle Hymn of the Republic. They were short versions, but sounded good. They march in the Jr. Floral Parade today- me Grandma and Grandpa will be going to watch.
Rachel on Clarinet |
7th & 8th Grade Bands combine to play parade music |
Thursday was Jessica’s offical last day of High school. She looked a little lost the next day. She finaly has some free time now so I took her shopping to get all the stuff promised her for her birthday and graduation. I was having memories of trying to shop with you as she texted the whole time (poor ploppy- he was alone at school).
Jessica leaving for the Sr Assembly |
Jessica takes advantage of her first day as a High School Graduate |
The final WV Band Awards Concert were held on Friday. The Jazz band played 8 songs and sounded very good. It was a long concert. Jessica’s sax quartet plus one played between bands which made the translations seem a lot shorter. When they played the Pokemon theme they got the most cheers.
Melissa & Jessica members of the Wind Ensemble |
Saturday we went to Rachel’s Lacrosse tournament. It was actualy sunny- I got sunburned. They played 4 30 minute games in a row. They won all 4!!!!! They looked really good. Rachel plans on playing next year at WV. They had awards and pizza afterwards in the park. Rachel was awarded the “Way to be Big” award by coach Atack. He said that usualy big kids played defence- but Rachel wanted to and really held her ground playing low D by the goal. I’m glad that she played lacrosse this year. She had a lot of fun- I did too.
Rachel Finishes off her first Lacrosse Season |
Sunday was Seminary graduation. We had 4 graduates from our ward. I was blessed to work with these three lovely and talented ladies in my Laurel class this year. They all will be attending BYU Provo. Adam is a sweet soul and good friend of mine. Several years ago I got to be his CTR 8 Primary teacher and speak at his baptism. He is now our family's Home Teacher with his father. He was so happy and proud to be graduating from Seminary and High School. He will be attending a transitional program at The Capital Center next year.
Tessa, Adam, Jessica, and Charlotte- Seminary Graduates |
Monday Grandma and pa Greenall came. The girls have kept grandma busy painting stuff for them to decorate their camp cabins with. This is happening in the bonus room- where Rachel is now forbidden to go so she doesn’t ruin the surprise.
We got a surprise call the other day from Grandpa Leete. He was in Seattle visiting Uncle Jeff who now lives there. So he came down on Tuesday and spent the night. He will be off on the road to California this morning after Dad/Brian leaves for work. It was good to see him again.
Father & Son Share the same Smile! |