We had a wonderful week at YW camp. The theme this year was RSVP -Return to the Savior Virtuous and Praiseworthy. The scripture was the 13th article of Faith (this year’s mutual theme). The camp had a party theme- each cabin a different party.
The YCLs (Party Police) welcome all the YW to the PARTY |
Melissa was a councilor over 2nd years and she had a blast – her cabin was the Harry Potter Party. Jessica was with the 3rd years: Dance Party. Their 4 cabins were Swing (that is where Jess was), Fiesta, Ballerina, and Hip Hop (Rachel was in this cabin). I was with the 1st years helping with certification and was cabin mom for the Masquerade Madames. Jessica was also a YCL (youth camp leader) and they were the Party Police. They all did a wonderful job decorating thier cabins. I'll post some pictures when I get copies.
Counselors of the Harry Potter Party Cabin |
Masquerade Madams |
Dance Party |
The women leaders at camp were all Superheroes. For this skit I was a chauffeur in the League of Extraordinary Women. (all the superheroes bestowed a super power on the YW). Instead of cabins doing skits this year each ward did one. Requirements were for the skit to each contain a wig, swim noodle, pose, and movie quote. Our ward did project runway. All the designers used a noodle in their design, and of course the models each had a wig. We had “short people” as our judges (Rachel was a head and feet, and Jessica was a set of arms). Rachel said the movie quote at the end which was "Alas, Earwax". Pretty stupid but fun.
The Project Runway, Camp Edition Judges |
As usual, camp was one big party, but extremely spiritual too. A great experience for all. Highlight for the bishopric of course was winning the canoe race on Bishopric night. They had a nice fireside with us. Talked about listening. Getting away from the noise and distractions of the world and listening. They had us all find quiet places outside by ourselves and listen and pray. It was a spiritual experience for us. Brother Atack gave everyone ibuds (earplugs on string attached to nothing) with this note: “iBud Inspirational listening device. Take time away from the world to listen to your Heavenly Father.” Jessica (and the YCLs) did a great job working and planning the camp this year. She wrote a nice part in the scripture study program on “Endure” for the devotional on Thursday night and she bore an inspiring testimony on the subject. Camp ended on a high with Saviors Eve on Thursday night, and testimony meeting on Friday morning before heading for home.
Leete Ladies |
Saturday was relaxing being home. It was nice to sleep in my own bed and take a long shower. Melissa and Rachel went to a Teri-stake dance at Seaside on the beach. Jessica and I went to wedding reception, then picked up Brian from max station as he was returning from Montana where he visited his dad and the two of them toured Yellowstone, and did a quick visit with Jennifer in Rexburg.
Sunday in Sacrament meeting Jessica was called up from the congregation to share her testimony of camp. She did a wonderful job telling of all the things that she has learned from camp the last 7 years. After that the Stake president put a new bishopric and we heard testimonies from the old and the new. A very nice meeting.
Now that camp is over, and Brian is on his sabbatical, summer vacation can now begin! The weather is being freaky – we’ll have a sunny day here and there, but today it is raining again. A very wet year we’ve been having. We started by working in the yard Monday morning. The girls ripped out the bushes by the stop sign. I trimmed the roses. We will work a few days in the yard each week. For FHE we planned out (kind of) what we want to do this summer. We’ll do day trips. Brian will also take each girl on a short motorcycle trip. Before the reunion in August we will head down and stop in San Jose/San Francisco area and do stuff. After Reunion do the southern California stuff- mostly theme parks. We’ll see how it all turns out.